
Friday, 27 November 2015

Taking control | When things get out of control.

One of my medical regimes now is to give my self  two injections a day of clexane to manage blood clots that seem to be generated by the tumors in my lungs.

My doctor prescribed two injections a day, and said these will be your "new friends" for some time, sarcastic bastard!
(Im joking, he and his Team at Austin Health Olivia Newton John Cancer and Wellness Centre have been a fantastic support, trying everything and always being available, I owe them all a great deal).

Anyway I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting the upper hand, thinking im not man enough, as he asked,  do you have someone at home that can give you the injections?

I was happy to say I have no problems, I will do it myself!

As I am an old farmer that used to inject sheep (vaccination) , sometimes administering up to 500 doses a day, I had no problems, why would I?  why would I have an issue with injections?

So prepared myself and as the instructions said, select a site on your lower abdomen, no problems with that, something I am blessed with an abundance of.

However I soon discovered the desired sight was out of view, due to what can only be described as a line of sight problem, my neck wasn't long enough to see over the obstruction.

I had the disturbing thought that  maybe I have let myself get a bit out of shape, but dismissed this immediately , surely there must be a technical solution to the problem.

So immediately went into the bathroom, brilliant if I look in the mirror problem solved.

So I selected the site, prepared the site with the alcohol swab as prescribed, and thrust the injection into the site.
Two things became immediately apparent, my skin was a lot softer that a sheep's, and the needle was a lot sharper than expected.

The needle went in then out then in again, and then somehow finished up in my finger, things had very quickly got way out of control, how could something so simple get out of hand so quickly!
So I said to myself, this is ridiculous, you need to relax, your getting way too stressed about a small thing.

As the contents of the syringe were still intact I thought I should probably have another go.
Thinking safety at all times, perhaps I should now use an alcohol swab, and sterilize the needle.

That was my second mistake, as I relaxed and inserted the needle whilst injecting the contents, the alcohol on the needle now induced a significant stinging effect. (I only realized my mistake after, the stinging effect hasn't been a tenth as bad since)

Anyway to cut a long story short, since I have relaxed and got on with it, you hardly feel the needle, its a testament to how lucky we are with modern therapy and technology.

And as I deny my self food until I have given my self the injection, and reward my self with food afterwards, its quite a pleasant experience!

So have been thinking the same about some stocks , I would like to rearrange some things, but the market is a bit too jumpy at the minute.

Like my health, maybe I just need to just relax a bit, and work through things quietly.

Apologies to Dr Bean

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