
Saturday, 9 April 2016

Agriculture the next thing?

The great new hope for Australian Agriculture is that China will boom, in the so called Dining boom.

So lets go looking for some companies to invest in?

I think there are some great opportunities  emerging for Australian agriculture, but as an investor would you get very excited?
Not unless the new players handle it a lot better than their predecessors.

The area is littered with disasters that look like they are repeating themselves.
I don't know what it is about corporate agriculture in Australia, but to me it seems incapable of managing investors funds responsibly, and is is littered with disasters.
Think Great Southern Plantations etc

On The Lap we drove through many of the plantations that Select Harvests have put in on the Murray.
These are massive plantations with state of the art machinery and infrastructure.

So should we be investing?

Maybe, but my main concern was that there are already massive stockpiles of almonds under tarps, maybe its just seasonal, but already looks like more almonds that we can eat, so a massive dependence on developing export markets to create profits I would have thought.

I don't know about you, I don't mind an odd almond, but my yearly consumption is not very much, and I don't know too many people that "crave" almonds.

Looking at their share price, looks like the market may have already have woken up to this, but who knows, maybe they are a buy, however earnings per share are falling, so buyer beware.

So where else do you go to invest in Agriculture?

Maybe Cattle, certainly meat prices in the supermarket are a lot higher than they have been for a long time.

Maybe Australian Agriculture company, AAC, one of our biggest cattle producers, certainly they should be going well?

Share price is down 30% or so in the last 12 months, so I don't think the shareholder there would be too happy with management.

What about a grain handler,'s certainly they should be making a quid, so lets look at Graincorp. GNC

Wild ride if your a shareholder, dont imagine you would be too happy here as a pensioner depending on some stability?

Nothing much has changed since I got out of farming, I think as an investor its an area best avoided.

But it shouldn't be, with China on our doorstep, this should be our finest hour??

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