Gold seems to be having another run, doesn't really make any sense, but when did the stock market make sense.
Maybe its Donald Trump who's inspiring it? Article Wall Street Journal
Hes put some nervousness into the market!
Certainly gold in $AUD is back to its all time highs, so Australian gold companies are in a sweet spot.
Certainly been a big help to my portfolio, when most others have been underwater!
Ive never been inspired by gold, but you need some in a portfolio, as it can help when things go bad.
That is the last few months!
But I would you buy now?
Who knows, but I'm happy with gains so will just sit tight in the gold sector. see performance page
I think last checked there were 150 gold companies on the ASX, and only a handful wotth looking at that are making money, so be careful
But we should be looking for companies thrust aside at the moment a bit like Gold companies 18 months ago.
The most unloved sector at the moment is Oil!
We have had a bit of a bounce, but who would have predicted 5 years ago we would have oil prices as low as they are?
Charles Morris book Comeback, previously mentioned on this blog, predicated this a couple of years ago, so is still worth a read.
I like Woodside, although they have been disappointing, so put on hold, don't think I need any more, but still making money in a tough environment.
Because I am travelling near Carnarvon on "The Lap AroundOz", Had a look at an oldie, Carnarvon Petroleum, CVN, they look cashed up again, 100m Source Financial times. maybe worth a punt if your real game!
But I still like the disruptive businesses,like ,, Nearmap, Seek,
Their earning per share are still rising, oil companies are still struggling to survive.
So why make it hard yourself? will add to them over the next month, but also happy to hold Woodside at this price.
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