
Monday 2 February 2015

The importance of knighthoods.

I don't normally comment on politics, but when you get Prime Ministers giving knighthoods to royalty I can't help myself.
I think its the funniest thing I've seen for decades, Abbott single handedly devaluing " the Brand", of the monarchy in one speech.
Usually the "nominee" for the knighthood requires no assistance in achieving this by himself!

What possessed Abbot is a mystery.

Or maybe not,  have his minders given up on him,  and allowed his "intellect" to prosper?

Very "Yes Minister"?

Tony has been hung out to dry, something's going on.

Strange to say the least, if he had have walked into a Pub, Workshop, Business, or board room,  or even asked his wife, for an opinion, surely someone would have wised him up to the folly you would have thought.

I know I always run things past my wife who is always a good sounding board, (although sometimes I don't realise how little merit an idea has until I share it with her!)

But getting back to the stock market I should have asked my wife about TRS!!!
or at least listened to myself, the warning signs were there soon after purchase.
(TRS comments on this blog in July)

Oil had a nice rebound, which should help BHP and WPL.

Performance 2/02/2015
Code Company  Buy date buy price current profit loss all ords performance adjusted to purchase date all ords at time of purchase Sell Date Sell price 
EPW ERM Power Ltd 21/05/2014 $1.91 $1.92 0.5% 3.4% 5401 22/8/2014 $1.92
CCL Coca Cola Amitel 26/05/2014 $9.69 $9.16 -5.5% 1.7% 5490 22/8/2014 $9.16
SEA Sundance energy 26/05/2014 $1.04 $1.30 25.6% 1.7% 5490 15/8/2014 $1.30
WTF 28/05/2014 $2.42 $3.33 37.6% 1.5% 5506 11/7/2014 $3.34
SEA Sundance energy 31/07/2014 $1.32 $1.30 -1.5% -0.7% 5623 15/8/2014 $1.30
CSL CSL Limited 15/07/2014 $68.55 $83.47 21.8% 1.7% 5495 18/1/2015 $83.47
CTD Corporate Travel Man 15/07/2014 $6.55 $9.75 48.9% 1.7% 5495 18/1/2015 $9.75
CRZ 23/05/2014 $10.53 $10.35 -1.7% 3.4% 5403
REA 28/05/2014 $44.19 $49.95 13.0% 1.5% 5506
SUL Supercheap auto 7/07/2014 $9.16 $8.74 -4.6% 1.5% 5506
TRS The Reject Shop 7/07/2014 $9.66 $5.75 -40.5% 1.5% 5506
FLT Flight Centre 15/07/2014 $45.84 $37.46 -18.3% 1.7% 5495
BRG Breville Group 27/08/2014 $7.24 $7.29 0.7% -1.1% 5648
BSL Bluescope Steel 27/08/2014 $5.42 $5.08 -6.3% -1.1% 5648
AGI Ainsworth gaming 3/09/2014 $3.41 $2.89 -15.2% -1.2% 5654
MML Medusa Mining 15/09/2014 $1.09 $0.88 -19.7% 2.1% 5473
BHP BHP 22/01/2015 $28.95 $29.60 2.2% 3.1% 5419
WPL Woodside Petroleum 22/01/2015 $33.85 $34.65 2.4% 3.1% 5419
WOW Woolworths 22/01/2015 $31.06 $32.17 3.6% 3.1% 5419
5586 AORD 2/02/2015
Stockgrumble performance 2.2% 1.1% AORD Performance

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