
Sunday 8 March 2015

Time to Buy the BEAR?

The markets had an exceptional run since January, so probably due for a breather, we are running into a lack of good assets to buy at reasonable prices, and its happening everywhere. 

Look at the negative interest rates in Europe, how does that work, it is supposed to force banks to put money to work, in reality, nothing much is changing, interest rates have been falling for 30 years and we seem to be losing prosperity not gaining it, most of us are struggling to make ends meet, do these bastards really know what they are doing?

How is it that if you work hard and save hard you are worse off than someone that borrows beyond their means? this can’t end well, it’s just when will it end,  and how can we position ourselves to survive, or heaven forbid benefit!!

If you’re a bank, you can screw the crap out of everyone, and go back to the reserve for a top up!!

People seem desperately looking to work out what they do with their money.

 Give your money to the bank and you pay them to look after it, can’t last, or end well.

Stocks that pays a dividends at an all-time high, particularly banks that are highly exposed to the overvalued housing sector.

As I struggle with  Melanoma, which isn’t that much different to struggling in the stock market.

You could become bitter and depressed, potentially paralysing your productivity and poisoning relationships, but what does that solve?

It’s easy to say, and harder to perform, but better to get over it, move on, and reposition as you have to do with your portfolio from time to time.

 Better to find the irony, poke fun at it, and move on.

What worries me is that I don’t know if the world’s monetary situation with negative interest rates has as much chance as me! , it looks like stage 4 and bloody terminal!!
Perhaps we should remember a lesson from Professor J.R.R. Tolkien.
No one knows the future. Despair is not only a sin in traditional religion, it is also a mistake. All is not lost, not yet, not by long shot!

We can only hope and bat on, and positioning ourselves for the innings.

So with that in mind, and the run we have had, certainly looks like we could have a pullback, as much of what is going on globally is a bit frothy/ stretched, to say the least, may be time to buy the BEAR.AX.
Short term I think the BEAR.AX below will do well.

GEAR.AX  may have had its run.

 Gold had a big drop, but I think we also need to revisit gold, its doubtful the barbaric metal is finished, to paraphrase Tolkien,  not yet, not by a long shot!

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